How do Ego3 filters work?

Wie-funktionieren-Ego3-Filter EGO3 Filter

Functionality of the Ego3 hot tub filter - a new dimension

Our hot tub filter follow a completely new technological approach. They use a three-dimensional filter material instead of the two-dimensional filter fleece used in cartridge filters.

And this very difference changes everything.

1) Filter result EGo3 hot tub filter

The EGo3 filter filters 100% of the dirt worldwide as a single filter.

In the first week of use, it also filters all particles larger than 40 micrometers like the cartridge filter. The cartridge filter can never filter particles smaller than 40 micrometers. After about a week, the Zero Dirt Effect (adhesion of the fibers) of the EGo3 filter develops, and it can filter every particle. You obtain technically pure water. Consequently, the Whirlpool Water Care is much easier, because unlike the cartridge filter, there are no huge amounts of micro-dirt particles in the water anymore. Although these are not visible, they naturally affect the water quality, and additionally, the whirlpool water develops a smell after a few weeks due to these always present microparticles (the user's skin also has a slight smell then). EGo3 filtered water has absolutely no suspended particles and is completely odorless.

2) Filter capacity Ego3 hot tub filter

Cartridge filters are essentially nothing more than a mesh with a specific mesh size through which water is pushed. The filter area is therefore very small, even though countless folds (which are very difficult to clean) are made in the filter to increase the area. The EGo3 has a 4-5 times higher dirt absorption capacity because it utilizes the entire three-dimensional filter volume. 

3) Cleaning cycle hot tub filter

The cartridge filter should be cleaned at least every 2 weeks to achieve a lifespan of at least one year. Cleaning the cartridge filters takes about 20 minutes per filter and also requires chemicals for filter cleaning. The Ego3 filter is only cleaned every 8 weeks (see also point 2). This takes about 5-10 minutes. This means that cartridge filters need to be cleaned 4 times as often and it also takes twice as long as with the EGo3 filter. Cleaning the cartridge filter is 8 times more labor-intensive than cleaning the EGo3 hot tub filter.

4) Clogging of the filters

Cartridge filters clog immediately if they are not cleaned often enough. EGo3 filters cannot clog.

5) Dirt binding

Since the EGo3 filter filters vertically and the flow direction when removing from the whirlpool is the filter direction, 100% of the dirt remains in the filter. When you remove a dirty cartridge filter, you have 10% of the dirt back in the water when unscrewing it. 


Whirlpool Wasser Trübheitstests

link to the explanation for turbidity measurements:

Therefore, the EGo3 hot tub filter can do the following things:

  • he filters much more (all particles)
  • it filters much longer (8 times as long as cartridge filters)
  • "it is much easier to clean (3-4 times faster and it will be much cleaner)"
  • it never clogs (which means the whirlpool never has to stop)
  • he holds all the dirt in the filter
  • he saves 95% waste and thus also protects the environment
  • it reduces the chemical requirements by 20-30%
  • "it is much cheaper because only the filter material (the fiber balls) is replaced and that at most once a year and only 12-14 fiber balls"

The EGo3 hot tub filter is guaranteed to be the best and cheapest hot tub filter in the world!

What can EGo3 hot tub filter not do?

When conducting a test with heavily contaminated water, the Cartridge Filter immediately filters out all particles up to 40 micrometers in the first pass. Its performance ends there as well. And the water reaches a maximum of NTU 0.5. The EGo3 Filter requires several passes for the dirt to be broken down. However, it continues to filter until technically pure water is achieved with a turbidity of NTU 0.1. Why can't the EGo3 Filter do that? Because it was designed and developed to perfectly filter spa water, and no one fills spas with heavily contaminated and dirty water. To clean very dirty water, the EGo3 Filter takes a few hours longer than the Cartridge Filter, but it then achieves significantly better values. Why? Because it was developed to make your spa water perfect and not to quickly sieve through very dirty water.

false testing mit sehr stark verschmutztem SchmutzwasserTo put it bluntly:

The Ego3 filter is not a coffee filter (the cartridge filter works on the coffee filter principle), but the perfect Whirlpool water filter with an 8-fold guarantee.



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