What happens if I don't clean my paper cartridge filters well and often?

Was-passiert-wenn-ich-meine-Papier-Kartuschenfilter-nicht-gut-und-oft-reinige EGO3 Filter

Disadvantages of old paper cartridge filters

Old paper cartridge filters cause pools with bypass to only circulate dirt in a loop, while pools without bypass face the risk of the circulation pump failing due to a filter blockage.

Paper cartridge filter - a bacteria launcher

Clogged standard filter cartridges are also a wonderful breeding ground for all sorts of bacteria, which can occur in such numbers due to irregular cleaning that standard ozone devices or even salt systems (which are actually not recommended for whirlpools) can no longer effectively kill them. Therefore, an additional disinfectant must be added, such as chlorine. It can be so simple, as essentially 3 things are essential for clean, beautiful, and odorless pool water.

  • a strong disinfection system (e.g. ozonator),
  • clean and fine hot tub filter as well as
  • an optimal pH value.

So, the customer usually cannot avoid cleaning the cartridge filters, unless they regularly buy new filters for the hot tub (2-4 times/year).

Paper cartridge filters require more chemicals.

"Additionally, the water requires more chemicals, and the pH value can fluctuate enormously under high particle load and poor disinfection, also requiring more time and chemicals. Oils and fats can only be poorly separated in a Standard hot tub filter due to the excessively large pores in the filter material; a flocculant is needed."

Now, this cleaning process is usually multi-stage and requires time, or ideally, you have a spare set of spa filters to continue using the pool immediately.

"Usually, chemicals or other equipment are needed again for the cleaning and disinfection of such cartridge filters, etc. - that costs money."

"So if you want to use your hot tub frequently and for longer periods, you also need additional time, money, space for utensils, and cleaning, while simultaneously producing a lot of waste...."

Not with EGO3 whirlpool filters!


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