The World Record hot tub Filter by EGo3

Der-Weltrekord-Whirlpool-Filter-von-EGo3 EGO3 Filter

ego3 has with his hot tub Filters a new dimension of hot tub filtration opened.

hot tub filter from ego3 can filter so finely that technically pure water is produced.

Technically pure water means that there are absolutely no suspended particles left in the water. ego3 a new world record for the purity of hot tub Water was set up with a measured turbidity of NTU 0.14. And this was done with a completely normal hot tub measured in normal operation. For comparison, crystal clear water from the tap has a turbidity value of approximately 0.5 NTU. ego3 So it also makes crystal clear water with which you can hot tub refill it is 5 times clearer. That is why ego3 Filter water is not clear, but shines in the hot tub Headlight light even.

Why can this only ego3?

Because ego3 hot tub Filter with your specially developed original ego3 Filter balls are the only ones with Zero Dirt technology. This means that all suspended particles from 40 microns are mechanically filtered out, just like with a cartridge filter. Within a week of using the hot tub filter develops on the ego3 Filter fiber is a microscopic adhesive film to which the ultra-light parts below 40 microns stick.

Thanks to the ego3 filter balls You no longer bathe in millions of invisible micro particles of dirt. 

That is why we can hot tub Filter also called the world's best filter. 

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